Alexey N. Yakovlev (born on 25.04.1971 in Semipalatinsk), a Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Engineering School of New Production Technologies of Tomsk Polytechnic University in 2019 – 2020.
Since October 1, 2021, Rector of T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU).
Education and Career
In 1994, graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic University with a degree in Experimental Nuclear Physics and Plasma Physics, qualified as an engineer-physicist.
In 2009, graduated from the Master programme of the Tomsk Polytechnic University in the field of "Management in the scientific and educational sphere".
In 2007 – 2009, held the position of TPU Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
In 2012 – 2017, Vice-Rector-Director, and then Director of the TPU Institute of High-Tech Physics.
In 2013, Head of the Department of Laser and Light Engineering at the Institute of Physics of High Technologies of TPU.
In 2017 – 2020, Director of the School of Engineering for New Manufacturing Technologies.
In 2019 – 2020, Vice-rector for work with industrial partners and entrepreneurship at TPU, Director of the School of Engineering for New Manufacturing Technologies.
Since October 1, 2021, Rector of T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU) in accordance with the corresponding order signed by Valery Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Research Activity
Research interests - materials science, condensed matter physics, light sources and lighting devices, lighting engineering, and agrobiophotonics.
Yakovlev's portfolio contains 2 patents and 8 certificates for software products. The total number of scientific publications is more than 100. The number of scientific publications in the leading peer-reviewed journals included in the VAK list is 28, the Hirsch index is 8.
Known as a specialist in the field of condensed matter physics and materials science, for the last 20 years Alexey Yakovlev has worked both as an investigator and as a manager of scientific programs and projects.
Academic Activity
The length of service in scientific and pedagogical work of Alexey Yakovlev is 22 years. During this time, he trained 33 undergraduates, 7 postgraduates, and 2 candidates of sciences.
2000 - Laureate of the Prize for Young Scientists of Russian Higher Educational Institutions in the field of new materials technology established by the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education.
2012 - Grand Prix Diploma, Scientist of the Year.
2013 - Laureate of the Engineer of the Year of Russia competition in the "Professional Engineers" version.
2016 - Jubilee medal, "55 years of the first manned flight into space" (S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation "ENERGY").