KuzSTU is working in the field of scientific and academic cooperation with educational organizations in Kazakhstan, Poland, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Slovakia, India, China, Bulgaria, Germany, Belarus, and Tajikistan. Foreign universities have been cooperating with the leading technical university of Kuzbass for a long time and with great pleasure. KuzSTU actively cooperates with the Higher Technical School named after Georg Agricola (Bochum, Germany), universities of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, Slovakia, etc. As of today, T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University has signed more than sixty international agreements on strategic partnership. Cooperation with foreign universities is developing intensively, every year the university acquires more and more partners around the world, students participate in exchange student program; teachers from partner universities come as guest lecturers and as internship students. KuzSTU organizes joint international scientific events, conducts research work and much more. Continuous large-scale work is being carried out, not stopping there.
The most long-term and historically reliable partnership of KuzSTU is with the universities of the People's Republic of China. Thus, KuzSTU has been cooperating with Shandong Science and Technology University already for 30 years. In 2020, the cooperation with the Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences has started, and several agreements on joint educational programs for undergraduate and graduate students were signed.
KuzSTU has a cooperation agreement with DassaultSystèmesGEOVIA, France, the world's largest developer of software products, for solving problems in the mining industry. The company delivers comprehensive software solutions to more than 130 countries around the world and helps mining companies solve their problems from prospecting and exploration stage to the actual production stage.
The subject of the agreement is the training of students of the Department of Mine Surveying, Cadastre and Geodesy to work with the world-famous mining and geological software Surpac, which implements the best mine surveying and the best planning of mining operations. To organize the educational process, the developer company has already provided the Department of Mine Surveying, Cadastre and Geodesy with a package of the software licenses.
In 2019, KuzSTU joined two significant international associations, which considerably expanded the range of interaction: the university became a member of the Association of Universities and Consulting Companies of the Silk Road Countries and joined the ranks of universities within the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium. More than a hundred universities in Asia and Europe are participating in the project. The first step of cooperation has already been made - the teachers of the Department of Applied Information Technology have completed an internship on the basis of the Beijing College of Information Technology. For two weeks, they studied the education system, teaching methods and project creation, visited the world's largest telecommunications companies - Huawei, Jingdong, the headquarters of Badoo, which provides web services.
The practice-oriented training, followed by KuzSTU, involves close cooperation with employers. And in conditions when the domestic market has already been tapped - all the leading coal, machine-building, chemical enterprises, credit and financial organizations and authorities not only in Kuzbass, but also in the whole country successfully interact with the technical university - KuzSTU enters the international level. The university already has long-term and reliable relations with OJSC "BELAZ", LLC "Becker Mining Systems" (BMS), which have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the university and the process of training highly qualified specialists. Joint scientific research and contractual work is carried out with them. In 2019, KuzSTU became the first partner university in Kuzbass of the world leader in the field of production automation - the Japanese company FANUC. The technical university will become the third university in Russia and the first to the east of the Urals, on the basis of which they will create modern laboratories and open engineering centers.
In November 2019, the world leader in the production of mining equipment, JSC Zhengzhou GSO Group (ZMJ), joined the ranks of our foreign partners. Cooperation involves holding joint scientific events, conducting research work, organizing student internships at the partner company’s plant, training ZMJ employees at the technical university, creating and equipping a laboratory on the basis of KuzSTU as a demonstration center for ZMJ technical solutions, and much more.
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