KuzSTU hosted the grand opening of the laboratory for modernization, development and re-engineering of electronic automation devices for enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. The event dedicated to the Day of Russian Science was attended by representatives of the fuel and energy complex, scientific community and the Government of Kuzbass.
Today we are opening a new youth laboratory. It is outfitted with specialized equipment that will enable us to make scientific breakthroughs and ensure our country's technological leadership. I am confident that the laboratory will not only engage in re-engineering and support enterprises, but will also become a center of attraction for talented young people. In addition, it will allow to master key disciplines necessary for training of highly qualified technicians and engineers capable of moving our country forward, – Alexey Yakovlev, Rector of KuzSTU, addressed the guests.
The laboratory was created on the basis of the Electric Drive and Automation Department of KuzSTU. The idea to open it appeared back in 2022, when the department's team under the leadership of candidate of technical sciences, and today the head of the laboratory Alexander Grigoriev, won a grant from the Government of Kuzbass. Initially it was planned to develop equipment for electronics production, but after discussion with enterprises it became obvious: business needs more solutions for re-engineering and modernization of devices. Thus, the main vector of work was determined, as well as the peculiarity of the laboratory – the youth team.
The laboratory's employees create domestic analogs of imported electronic devices, which were left without proper service under the difficult sanctions conditions. The developed devices are fully compatible with foreign ones - from sizes to interfaces, which allows enterprises to quickly replace failed equipment.
Another development is a device for taking readings of automation devices, which allows the integration of obsolete devices into modern automated systems. It reads the data without changing the operation of the equipment and transmits the information to the dispatching computer. This approach makes it possible to modernize systems without replacing existing devices, which is especially important for companies using obsolete but serviceable equipment.
The developed solutions were recognized by Dr. Valentin Parmon, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor. The academician gave instructions to the young scientists and emphasized that the university has those achievements that can be further developed and used to great advantage, including the solution of regional problems.