Mutual interest between Russia and Africa in the field of education is growing every year. Our country offers quality educational programs in geology, mineral development, exact sciences and the energy sector, which are in demand in African countries.
In 2023, Kuzbass State Technical University took part in the Economic and Humanitarian Forum “Russia - Africa”, where an agreement was signed on the creation of a professional consortium of universities “Subsoil of Africa” for the training of specialists in the mineral resources sector. The document was signed by the initiative group representing African countries and participants of the “Subsoil” consortium, which includes more than a hundred leading domestic universities, including KuzSTU.
For the first time in the Polytechnic's history, students from African countries started their studies here. These are students who plan to connect their life and career with education and work with the Russian industry.
The students came to KuzSTU to learn the basics of the Russian language. At the first session the students of the preparatory course met Inna Pevneva, Head of the International Cooperation Department and Head of the Foreign Languages Department, and told about themselves, their plans for the future and their impressions of their stay in Russia in English language. The students are not intimidated by the cold climate and unusual food, they are eager to try new things and get to know new people and culture.
The group started learning Russian from scratch, so the first lesson was devoted to learning the alphabet and the basics of phonetics. They were also told about the origin of the Russian language, its development and explained simple grammatical rules. Then the course participants are expected to attend daily classes until mid-summer.
Upon completion of the preparatory course, future applicants from Africa will be able to enter a higher education program at KuzSTU or any other higher education institution in Russia.