On August 25, Kemerovo became the center of celebration of a big event – Miner's Day. In honor of this event on Moskovskaya Square, took place the first in the city's history parade of miners' delegations of the North-Kuzbass agglomeration, in which Kuzbass State Technical University took part.
The parade was a bright symbol of unity, knowledge and respect for the region's coal mining industry. More than 7.5 thousand coal mining workers from 22 municipalities of the region marched with flags as part of their delegations. Participants of the parade from KuzSTU were staff, professors, university activists and future engineers of the mining industry.
Participation in such event is of great importance for Kuzbass Polytechnic. Every year the university not only graduates high-class specialists, but also actively contributes to the development of technologies, improving the safety and efficiency of mines.
At the end of the parade there was an awarding ceremony for miners and employees of coal mining enterprises, as well as other events for the residents of Kuzbass. As such, KuzSTU's participation gave the event a special significance, emphasizing the importance of education in achieving high standards in the mining industry.